July 4th Weekend

August 26, 2014

Photo by Dave Cornelius.

CDS Boston Centre is celebrating its 100th birthday at July 4th!  English country dance with callers Barbara Finney and David Millstone and contras and squares with callers Sarah VanNorstrand and David Millstone to the fabulous music of Bare Necessities (Peter Barnes, Earl Gaddis, Mary Lea, and Jacqueline Schwab) and mega-musicians Karen Axelrod, Rachel Bell and Catherine Miller. Also Morris with Justin Morrison and Natty Smith; Longsword and Molly Dancing with Andra Horton and Tom Kruskal; Rapper with Gillian Stewart and Natty Smith; FRENCH dance with Rachel Bell; Band Class; Porch Singing; Crafts with Miss Laura, The Bullero Brothers, history lectures and Camphouse exhibit to Celebrate CDS-Boston Centre Centennial, and All-New CABARET!

Thurs p.m. to Mon a.m..